We Can not
Do It alone,
We Need Each Other
~Reuben FAloughi
Services Provided
Reuben Faloughi Ph.D. provides coaching, interactive workshops, keynotes, motivational talks, conference presentations, guest lectures, and curriculum and program consultation for individuals, and organizations that want to enhance awareness, knowledge, and skills to be:
Appreciative and Celebratory of All Forms of Diversity (i.e. Difference)
Compassionate, Blameless, Generative, Creative, Motivated Problem-Solvers
Effective Communicators
Effective in Leadership and Developing Future Leaders
Engaged in Important and Difficult Conversations related to Diversity, Social Justice, and World Peace
Diversity (i.e. difference) is the uniqueness and multiplicity of individuals, groups, and societies that make up humyn kind. These differences are vital for productive communities, innovation, and creativity needed to advance humyn kind and preserve our planet. As supported by empirical findings, choosing to become aware of and developing cultural diversity through enhanced inter-group relations aids in the productivity and economic growth of individuals and organizations. More importantly, enhancing cultural diversity becomes a means to a more rewarding intellectual, emotional, moral, and spiritual humyn experience.
In our society, there are historic and current challenges for individuals and organizations that strive to respect, appreciate, and celebrate cultural diversity in its many forms to enhance inter-group relations. Intergroup- based dialogue (IGD) education is evidence-based and has shown promise in its ability to increase inter-group relations; enhance communication skills; and generate opportunities to challenge harmful, unhelpful and unproductive attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that hinder the highest expression of humyn kind: the richness of its cultural diversity.
Other benefits of IGD based education include:
Increased awareness of one’s own cultural identity and exploration of personal perspectives/attitudes related to diverse groups.
Expanded knowledge and critical thinking skills related to multicultural issues, diverse cultural groups, and intersections of identity (i.e. intersectionality).
Increased understanding of your own worldview and how it shapes interpersonal and intergroup dynamics.
Enhanced understanding of the role of bias, stereotypes, discrimination, privilege, and oppression.
Opportunities to practice adaptive behaviors and pro-social skills such as active listening, conflict resolution, collaborative problem solving, anger management, self-control, empathy, non-judgemental acceptance, etc.
Creation of highly effective collaborative environments intended to foster and sustain healthy relationships, increase workplace productivity, and embrace change.
Enhanced motivation to be strengths-based and solutions-focused in navigating individual and group challenges.
Reuben provides services for a wide variety of individuals and organizations, in a wide variety of settings including:
Education (K-12 and Higher Education)
Academic & Athletics Departments, Colleges, Universities
Students, Faculty, Staff, Adminstration
Medical/Health Care (e.g. nurses, doctors, adminstrators, and other health care practitioners)
Non-Profits and Foundations
Corporate Business
Faith-Based Organizations and more...
All engagements are developed to meet the unique needs and developmental needs of clients individuals and organizations.
Reuben accomplishes his goals of transformative cohesion using a combination of personal life experience and intergroup dialogue-based (IGD) education based techniques. Reuben’s talks and workshops are custom-created based on the unique needs of clients and are known to be energetic engaging, positive, strengths-based, pragmatic, and grounded in evidence-based theory for individual, organizational, and collective change. He employs multiple techniques and facilitation strategies for collaborative learning including: brief, interactive lectures, readings, small and large groups dialogue, music, art, creative visualization, videos, and more. Achievable, measurable performance objectives are collaboratively established with clients who are coached to demonstrate successful new behaviors and interactions within and across difference.